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Message started by Northend on Jan 21st, 2017 at 11:21pm

Title: Musicam Roadrunner
Post by Northend on Jan 21st, 2017 at 11:21pm
Musicam Roadrunner question. I have an Xstream that I use on a regular basis and picked up a Roadrunner as a backup. I've gone through the configuration several times and cannot get it to accept or make calls. I've tried every iteration of the SPIDS with eavery numerical suffix (configured like the Xstream with 0100)...7 digit ID numbers, Ni1, etc. Is there something else that needs configuring that I'm missing? I've double checked everything. ISDN line is fine.

Title: Re: Musicam Roadrunner
Post by Edwin van den Oosterkamp on Jan 24th, 2017 at 11:55am
Hi Northend,

The Prima line of codecs (of which the Roadrunner is one) used different ISDN terminal adapters (TAs) for different localities. For example, you would use a different TA in Europe than you'd use in the USA.

It is possible your unit has the wrong TA for US use?

Best regards,


Title: Re: Musicam Roadrunner
Post by Northend on Jan 24th, 2017 at 7:02pm
Thanks for the response. The TA is correct for the unit (TA301). I also get a solid green ISDN ready light on the TA so it's seeing the line ok. I'm sure it's in a configuration issue that I'm missing. I know that the RR also likes the "000" at the end of the SPIDs and have tried different iterations of that as well. The menu is a little weird compared to others so I'll probably keep going through different values to see what happens. Thanks.

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